Dancing Lion
Dragon Toy
Make a dancing paper lion or dragon
toy for Chinese New Year.
Traditionally, on Chinese New Year, two people wear a
huge lion or dragon costume and dance. This toy is a
tiny paper version of this traditional puppet.
Colored paper
Crayons or markers
Glue, tape
2 wooden barbeque skewers (or 2 straws or
disposable chopsticks)
Optional glitter, feathers
Draw thehead
and tail of a lion or dragon on a piece of
paper. |
Cut the head
and tail out and decorate with bright colors.
Optional: Decorate with glitter and feathers.
Fold a piece
of paper in half the long way. Cut along the
fold line, making two long rectangles. |
Fold each
piece of paper up like an accordion. Glue or
tape the two pieces together, forming one long
piece that will be the animal's body. |
Glue or tape
one end of the body to the head. Glue or tape
the other end of the body to the tail. |
Tape one
skewer (or straw) to the head and the other
skewer (or straw) onto the tail.
You now have a dragon or lion that can dance
for Chinese New Year.
