Father, we thank you for revealing
yourself to us in Jesus the Christ, we who once were not your
people but whom you chose to adopt as your people. As ancient
Israel confessed long ago, we realize that it was not because
of our own righteousness, or our own superior wisdom, or
strength, or power, or numbers. It was simply because you
loved us, and chose to show us that love in Jesus.
As you have accepted us when we did
not deserve your love, will you help us to accept those whom
we find it hard to love? Forgive us, O Lord, for any attitude
that we harbor that on any level sees ourselves as better or
more righteous than others. Will you help us to remove
the barriers of prejudice and to tear down the walls of
bigotry, religious or social? O Lord, help us realize
that the walls that we erect for others only form our own
Will you fill us so full of your love
that there is no more room for intolerance. As you have
forgiven us much, will you enable us with your strength to
forgive others even more? Will you enable us through your
abiding Presence among us, communally and individually, to
live our lives in a manner worthy of the Name we bear?
May we, through your guidance and our
faithful obedience, find new avenues in ways that we have not
imagined of holding the Light of your love so that it may be a
Light of revelation for all people.
We thank you for your love, praise
you for your Gift, ask for your continued Presence with us,
and bring these petitions in the name of your Son, who has
truly revealed your heart. Amen