Easter One-Liners

Q: How do bunnies stay healthy?
A: Eggercise

Q: What do you get when you cross a chicken and the Easter Bunny?
A: A good Easter.

Q: What do you call Easter when you are hopping around?
A: Hoppy Easter!

Q: "Why are you studying your Easter candy?"
A: "I'm trying to decide which came first-the chocolate chicken or the chocolate egg!"

Q: What do you get when you find a rabbit with no hair?
A: A hairless hare!

Q: Why are people always tired in April?
A: Because they just finished a march

Q: Why did the Easter egg hide?
A: He was a little chicken!

Q: What do you call a duck who plays basketball?
A: A slam duck.

Q: What do you call a bunny with a large brain?
A: An egghead.

Q: What grows between your nose and chin?
A: Tulips (Two Lips).

Q: What's red and blue and sogs up your Easter basket?
A:Coloured scrambled eggs!

Q: Why did the rabbit cross the road?
A: Because it was the chicken's day off.

Q: What do you call a bunny with a dictionary in his pants?
A: A smarty pants.

Q: What would you call the Easter Bunny if he married a chicken?
A: The very first rabbit to lay an egg!

Q: What do you call ten rabbits marching backwards?
A: A receding hareline.


Q: Why was the Easter Bunny so upset?
A:He was having a bad hare day!

Q: Why was the rabbit rubbing his head?
A: Because he had a eggache! (headache)

Q: How do you catch a unique bunny?

Q: Why did the Easter Bunny hop down the road?
A: He was making the Movie

Q: What's pink, has five toes, and is carried by the Easter Bunny?
A:His lucky people's foot!

Q: What do you call the Easter Bunny after a hard day's work?
A: Tired.

Q: What did the rabbit say to the carrot?
A: It's been nice gnawing at you.

Q: What does a rooster say to a hen he likes?
A: Your one hot chick!

Q: What did the bunny put over his sore?

Q: What has big ears, brings Easter treats, and goes "hippity-BOOM, hippity-BOOM, hippity-BOOM"?
A: The Easter Elephant.
A: A eggage.

Q: What do ducks have for lunch?
A: Soup and quackers!

Q: What has long ears, four legs, and is worn on your head?
A: An Easter bunnet!

Knock, knock...
Who's there?
"Ether" who?
"Ether" Bunny!

Q: Why did a fellow rabbit say that the Easter Bunny was self-centered?
A: Because he is eggocentric. (egocentric)

Q: Where does Valentine's Day comes after Easter?
A: In the dictionary.

Q: How do you catch the Easter Bunny?
A:Hide in the bushes and make a noise like a carrot!

Q: Do you know how bunnies stay in shape?
A: Hareobics.

Q: What's the difference between a bunny and a lumberjack?
A: One chews and hops, the other hews and chops.

Q: How does the Easter Bunny say Happy Easter?
A: Hoppy Easter!

Q: Why did the magician have to cancel his show?
A: He'd just washed his hare and couldn't do a thing with it.

Q: What type of movie is about water fowl?
A: A duckumentary.

Q: What's long and stylish and full of cats?
A:The Easter Purrade!


Q: What is the end of Easter?
A: The letter R.

Q: What do you call a duck that just doesn't fit in?
A: Mallardjusted.

Q: Why is the letter A like a flower?
A: A bee comes after it

Q: What happened when the Easter Bunny met the rabbit of his dreams?
A: They lived hoppily ever after!

Q: What do you call rabbits that marched in a long sweltering Easter parade?
A: Hot, cross bunnies.

Q:What is the Easter Bunny's favourite state capital?
A:Albunny, New York!

Q:What would you get if you crossed the Easter Bunny with a famous French general?
A:Napoleon Bunnyparte!

Q: What is the Easter Bunny's favourite sport?
A:Basket-ball, of course!


Q: Where does the Easter Bunny go when he needs a new tail?
A:To a re-tail store!

Q: Who is the Easter Bunny's favourite movie actor?
A:Rabbit De Niro!

Q: Does the Easter Bunny like baseball?
A:Oh, yes. He's a rabbit fan!

Q: Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Candy who?
Candy Easter Bunny carry all dose treats in one basket?

Boy 1: "How did you get that bruise on your arm?"
Boy 2: "I ate some Easter candy."
Boy 1: "Eating Easter candy won't give you a bruise."
Boy 2: "It will if it's your big brother's candy!"


Q: What would you get if you crossed the Easter Bunny with an overstressed person?
A: An Easter basket case!

Q: What's yellow, has long ears, and grows on trees?
A: The Easter Bunana!

Q: Why are you stuffing all that Easter candy into your mouth?"
A: "Because it doesn't taste as good if I stuff it in my ears."

Q: Did you hear the one about the Easter Bunny who sat on a bee?
A: It's a tender tail!

Q: What happened when the Easter Bunny caught his head in the fan?
A: It took ears off his life!

Q: Why do we paint Easter eggs?
Because it's easier than trying to wallpaper them!

Q: Why was the monster sitting in his Easter basket?
He was trying to hatch his peanut butter eggs!

Q: What do you need if your chocolate eggs mysteriously disappear?
You need an eggsplanation!

Q: How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself?
With a hare dryer!

Q: How is the Easter Bunny like Shaquille O'Neal?
A:They're both famous for stuffing baskets!

Q: What's big and purple and hugs your Easter basket?
A:The Easter Barney!

Q: How does the Easter Bunny paint all of those eggs?
A:He hires Santa's elves during the off-season.

Q: How should you send a letter to the Easter Bunny?
A: By hare mail!

Q: How does the Easter Bunny stay in shape?
A: He does lots of bare-obics.

Q: What's the difference between the Easter Bunny and a silly monster ?
A: One's a hare-head and the other's an air-head!

Q: What would you get if you crossed the Easter Bunny with Chinese food?
A: Hop suey!


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