Tradition of Wearing Disguises
The custom of wearing disguises on Purim is extremely
ancient. It was particularly prevalent in Italy. As early as
four hundred years ago and even earlier Rabbi Yehuda Mintz wrote
in his "Responsa" that men should be allowed to wear
women's clothing on Purim, although the Ashkenazi rabbis
absolutely forbade this. Rabbi Yoel Sirkis (`Bayit Hadash")
in Poland bitterly opposed the permission given by Rabbi Yehuda
Mintz in relation to Purim disguises, which went against the
verse in the book of Deuteronomy (22: 5):
"a woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man
put on a woman's garment".
He also cautioned against men wearing masks so that they not
be recognized, this being forbidden both on Purim and at
weddings. The book of customs of the Worms community describes
the manner in which Purim was celebrated in the following way:
"On the Shabbat before Purim, early in the morning, the
young men go to a house far from the synagogue, where they put
on the outer Shabbat coats called sidecoats, that have the right
sleeve sewn. Each of them wears a pointed hat on his head. When
they leave the house, they go in pairs, hand in hand. A servant
boy precedes them, clad in a clown's attire, and he dances and
acts the fool..."
In our times, the most conspicuous external revelation of
Purim is the wearing of fancy dress, mainly by children,
although adolescents and adults do sometimes dress up in public
or to participate in a masked party.