Your Uncle
and Aunt come to stay at your house for a week.
You get a
bad case of cough and cold.
All of the
of these are stress.
If you are used
to thinking that stress is something that makes you worry, you have the wrong
idea of stress. Stress is many different kinds of things: happy things, sad
things, allergic things, physical things. Many people carry enormous stress
loads and they do not even realize it!
This series of
fortnightly articles explains how you can manage stress effectively.
Francis Massino, PhD; Institute for Performance Anxiety, NYC
Willy Wiener, PhD; Institute for Performance Anxiety, NYC
above articles will help you:
to your full potential when under immense pressure
good quality work even when tasks are dull and repetitive
the quality of your life, health and job, and
the problems of exhaustion, depression, ill health, burn-out and
breakdown that are associated with excessive levels of long term
suggest you bookmark this page or add it to your favorites. As you
experience early wins in controlling stress you will find yourself
going back again and again to these articles. We believe you will
attain significant benefit following the ideas laid out before you.
As you exhibit greater mastery over situations that previously
caused you stress, the people around you will notice and wonder how
you were able to change effectively. Share this site with them. You
will find that when you are surrounded by people who also have
skills in keeping there stress in check, you benefit as well. After
all, a lower stress environment benefits everyone in it.